

I use the word experience a lot in my work. It's a catch-all word for marketing services and communications that are either delivered or received digitally. I talk about experience constantly.

Lately, however, I've heard the word misused frequently. I've heard it used incorrectly by people who are new to digital marketing. I've also heard it misused by digital veterans. Perhaps I've also misused it myself. As a result, the word has lost its meaning to me.

I'm seeking a new definition for experience. I'm turning to our readers for help.

For me there are a couple of components to an experience:

Time. Experiences are events in people's lives.
Sensation. Experiences produce stimuli, often beyond reason.
Feeling. The stimuli arouses emotion in people.
Behaviour. The action people take as a result of the emotion.

Would it be fair to define experiences as events yielding emotional response?

What do readers think? What does experience mean to you? What is my definition missing?

We'd love to know your definition of experience. Please share your thoughts?

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