
Aunite's Monkey see, Monkey do (well)

Here is a desktop reader that the BBC have produced to keep people up to date with what's happening in The Olympics.

The BBC commissioned Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn from Gorillaz to produce some on screen idents for the games, based on the opera they had written called Monkey - Journey to the West.

These are now available to see online, plus to download for mobile, and as the widget.

Overall this is a great user experience - very simply / quick download!!!!

Amazing usability - can easily select the sports your interested in, and set up alerts so you don't miss anything

And it looks great!

All in all a great creative idea, which is masterfully transferred across the idents / music and into the technical execution, ultimately providing users with the added value of helping them make the most of so much exciting content - well done auntie!!!

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